16 July 2010

The fabulous FORTIES

On Sunday, July 11, one of my adopted brothers (spiritually speaking) turned 40. A few years ago I received a photo-card in the mail asking me to consider becoming his sister, since he didn't have one. :-)
To date it has been a short but sweet sibling-ship of growth and grace and joy--and some sharp learning curves! As with regular brothers and sisters, we fight from time to time, but it is truly marvellous seeing God's forgiveness in action in my adopted family. We are kingdom siblings, too, and work together quite companionably.

On Tuesday, July 13, another brother in Christ celebrated his 40th, and I am proud to call him my friend. (He has a VERY large circle of loved ones!) Once a month he and I--along with others invited by him--get together for a day of silence and solitude. His friendship is one of my safe places, and I trust his heart completely.

And today a South African friend (whom we met in Prague in '95) also turns 40. MR kept me playing piano when others had given up. He inspires me, challenges me and provides much food for thought during our infrequent but lengthy phone calls (one of which we'll have shortly). He has been instrumental (!) and inspirational on many levels in my life, and in Dec/Jan he willingly hosted four of us in his home. And he invited me back!!

I love you, B, R and M. Thanks for blessing my life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Any other Readers born in 1970?

Next month my best friend since childhood, Bronwyn Wilson, celebrates her 40th ... and the list goes on. 'Tis not long before my own four-oh will appear on the horizon.


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