28 November 2010

Mom Little, chicken soup, and another fine day

At Tim's I unexpectedly met my adopted Canadian mom--oh, joy!--and she
asked me to join her while she ate her lunch. I'd already devoured my
bowl of soup, so I carried my cup of steeped tea over to her table and
we visited merrily for a pleasant hour.

Afterwards we went grocery shopping together (no fish for a while!)
where she bumped into a dear friend--whom I'd chatted to in church
that morning--and the three of us went to McD's for free coffee. Soon
I began to fade (the usual symptoms: blurry eyes, slurry words) and
Mom Little kindly drove me home for my weekly Sunday afternoon nap.

I am feeling decidedly more perky and less queasy tonight after eating
some ginger in the bath and sipping on ginger ale while I wrote some
notes (until my pages got too soggy from the steam).

Bedtime. Another fine day.

Nov 28 Tim's 0366.JPG
Nov 28 Tim's 0369.JPG
Nov 28 Mom Little at Tim's 0371.JPG

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