21 August 2010

Birthday week: savoury 'n' sweet

For his birthday, Robin bought himself a George Foreman
grill/quesadilla maker. Already we've enjoyed cheese, chicken and
mince quesadillas--not all at the same time, of course!

What a treat to have my hubby cook for me (after 20 years of gentle
prompting and subtle persuasion). I provide veggies and salad; he does
the meat prep. (Guess who does the clean up?)

My kind spouse also does almost all our grocery shopping--that's one
job I enjoy less than he does--and now that he's willing to grill some
of our meals, we've decided our kitchen compromise is working for us
both. :)

The other photos, taken on our sunny deck (rebuilt by our landlord
last August), feature one of my favourite Chinese meals: sweet 'n'
sour pork, from a local venue.

For my hubby's b'day this year I gave him my usual gift of a book (an
old tradition we don't want to break!) as well as a mailed letter and
cheery hippo bath day card, featuring hippos in a river accompanied by
yellow rubber duckies.

I also renewed my commitment to eat more of our meals together. So far so good!

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